Thursday, July 17, 2008

Contraflow cycling on one-way streets

Maybe the Department for Transport reads my blog, but after Monday's prod, I have received a response to my complaint about the signage for contraflow cycling on one way streets:

"Dear Councillor Howell
Thank you for your email and the questions that you have raised. As you may be aware, traffic signs and road markings are prescribed in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD). The "No entry" sign is to diagram 616 in Schedule 2 and the cycle route sign is to diagram 955 in Schedule 6 of the Regulations. TSRGD can be viewed online at .

You can not use the "No entry" sign and the cycle route sign in the manner that you have suggested as it is not a prescribed use of the signs - the prohibition of the "No entry" sign extends across the entry point of the side road and clearly you can not then use a sign that allows cycles to past that point. If there is a physical segregation this, in effect, creates two distinct routes and then these signs are permitted. Figure 1 in the contraflow leaflet shows this road layout, the "No entry" sign is sited on the small traffic island and the opposite side of the side road, leaving the cycle route unhindered by any restriction/prohibition, allowing the use of the cycle route sign.
Kind regards xxxxx"

So in conclusion, yes we do have to use the signage specified. But there was no response to my request to actually change the regulations, so I've sent them another email:

Many thanks for your reply (below) to my original email outlining the statutory basis for the permitted signage for contra-flow cycle lanes.

The essence of my original email (also below) is that the current regulations relating to contra-flow cycle lanes are not fit for purpose, and are causing difficulties for law enforcement and traffic management on the ground.

Further to the evidence in my original email, I would draw you attention to the agenda of the Cambridge Traffic Management Area Joint Committee held on 14/7/08, item 5 e) Cycling in one-way streets off Mill Road,where both the petition presented to the committee and the discussion at the meeting highlighted the serious difficulties the current signage regulations are causing.

I would be grateful if you could please let me know what the process is for changing these regulations. Is there a general update of theTraffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 planned, and if so, what is the current timetable for this? Alternatively, is it possible to amend the TSRGD 2002 statutory instrument?

Can the request to change these regulations as indicated in my original email (or after consultation with the many cycling campaign groups who are desperate for a change in this area) please be considered by the appropriate official, and let me know whether any changes in this area are planned or are likely to be acceptable, and if not, why not?

Can you please let me know which minister currently has the responsibility for these regulations?

Many thanks,
Councillor Chris Howell

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