Sunday, January 11, 2009

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Last week this blog recorded its highest ever number of unique users for a single day, surpassing even the peak on polling day last year.

Most of the articles we research and write ourselves. For example on Friday, we took some raw figures from a spreadsheet, and wrote the following words:

The combined results from the recent consultation exercise in the Blinco Grove/Rock Road/Hartington Grove area in response to the question: Do you support the introduction of on street parking controls in your area?

Strong support - 91 (27%)
Support - 27 (8%)
Don't know - 13 (4%)
Disagree - 30 (9%)
Strongly disagree - 171 (52%)

A clear majority of 61% disagreeing with the plans, that would have seen local residents forced to by resident's parking permits if they wanted to park on the road.

So it was a bit of a shock to read the following published by our Labour opponents in Coleridge on Saturday (with the rest of the article amended to claim all credit by Labour for action in this area...):

Residents in the Blinco Grove/Rock Road/Hartington Grove area were asked the question: Do you support the introduction of on street parking controls in your area? The results were:

Strongly support: 27% (91)
Support: 8% (27 )
Don't know: 4% (13)
Disagree: 9% (30)
Strongly disagree: 52% (171)

So a combined majority of 61% opposed the plans which would have resulted in even worse parking problems in Rustat Road and Davy Road.

Its one thing for Labour to steal Conservative policies (whilst simultaneously claiming we would do nothing!), but blatantly cribbing text from our blog as the basis for their publications is a bit cheeky. But they do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - so to all our readers from Coleridge Labour Party, Happy New Year!

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