Sunday, February 21, 2010

A14 plans move forward - slowly...

The glacial pace of progress on the A14 upgrade continues.

The consultation on the proposals to rebuild the A14 closed on the 6th of January 2010 and a public enquiry will be held (as is usually the way with such large transport schemes).

In March, full details of all the objections received should be made public. The Inspector is likely to hold the first meeting with objectors in mid May.

The full enquiry which is likely to take 10 /12 weeks is be in two parts, the first in June / July and the second in September / October.

During this period the Highways Agency and their contractors will continue to seek to resolve objections. One of which could come from Cambridge's new MP, if we are unfortunate enough to have a Lib Dem elected - their candidate is an opponent of the A14 upgrade, and is also an opponent of the Guided Bus. At least their position is clear when it comes to transport - a vote for the Lib Dems is a vote against every planned significant improvement to transport infrastructure in the sub-region!

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