Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tesco wont deliver from Mill Road

The Mill Road Tesco saga seems to be moving rapidly - they have just given a reassurance in writing to confirm that they don't intend to deliver to the store from Mill Road.

In a letter dated 17th August to the Council planners, they confirmed that contrary to previous statements, it is now 'Tesco's intention to deliver from the curtilage of the site'.

They have indicated that there will be 3 deliveries a day in 8m long lorries, along with a daily newspapers delivery in a transit type van.

Somebody is going to have a busy day looking at shop layouts - the floorplan presented to yestedays licensing committee had a section for alcohol and assumed deliveries from the front of the store...


Martin said...

Their "intention". Hmm.. very reassuring. Nothing with trying to stop legal action perhaps?

So they presumably now plan to send 8m (still large) lorries all the way up Catharine Street and then down Sedgwick Street. But they said themselves that would be 'potentially dangerous', nor is it very practical:


So what happens when they realise it's not practical?

I think Councillors should not be bluffed by this 'intention' given that there is legal stuff going on.

Unknown said...

Of course it is only the threat of legal action they could not win that has "changed their mind".

I am still not convinced they won't simply ignore the conditions anyway, as they do elsewhere in the country, but saying they won't may be enough to head off the injunction application. A promise made now has none of the impact of an undertaking given to a court.

Alternatively, I assume they will persist in what both they and the planning inspector regard as impractical and dangerous (but apparently legal) deliveries until they feel they can use this to justify applying for a variation in the planning condition they don't like.

The two most sensible alternatives - find another, more suitable site, or use smaller, more practical delivery vehicles - are, of course, beyond someone like Tesco.